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Toddlers/Twos Class
Maximum Enrollment: 9 Children - 3 Teachers
Age range: 18 months-2 years
Welcome to the wonderful world of “toddlerhood." Be prepared for lots of laughs, plenty of messes, and little ones on the move!
Encouraging independence, social interaction, group learning, and the joys of being a toddler. Your toddler will play in small groups, practice self-feeding, and basic self-toileting skills.
The classroom environment enables toddlers to play in groups or on their own. Activities promote small and large muscle coordination throughout the day.
Typical small muscle exercises: pasting, painting, puzzles, play-dough, large markers, and crayons
The indoor environment includes books, dramatic play, art, music, sensory, and manipulative areas.
Large muscle exercises take place indoors and outdoors. We take neighborhood walks and our outdoor playground provides opportunities for play.
As toddlers become two’s they have more interests and capabilities. They are ready for more defined routines. It’s time to move on the Two's/Three's Class.

Hi, I'm Ms. Ayesha
I have been working at the SSPC Children’s Center for 15 years, 6 of which have been as a lead teacher. I am currently the lead teacher for the Toddler’s/2's class. My hobbies include long nature walks, cooking, and traveling. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends. As a Toddler/2 teacher, I enjoy being a part of each child's ever-changing growth and development. I especially enjoy guiding them along with their communication and language skills.
What a fantastic age group to work with!
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